New Index HTML File

This is a headding. The size is h1

This site has now been moved to an Oracle Free Tier Compute Instance called "instance-Ubuntu-Apache2" This is a parargraph. Well, well, well. Does it line wrap? Let's try and find out. We really need a much longer line.

This is a division. Well, well, well. Does it line wrap? Let's try and find out. We really need a much longer line.
This is a new division. Well, well, well. Does it line wrap? LEt's try and find out. We really need a much longer line.

.... and now we have a new paragraph. I wonder what this will do. Maybe just start a new pararagrapn.

This is a headding. The size is h2

This is a parargraph. Well, well, well. Does it line wrap? Let's try and find out. We really need a much longer line.

This is a division. Well, well, well. Does it line wrap? Let's try and find out. We really need a much longer line.

Here is a regular button which responds with "Hello World" from the page:

Here is a Java Script button which responds with the date and time:

Here is another botton:

And yet another button

.... and now we have a new paragraph. I wonder what this will do. Maybe just start a new pararagrapn.