Index HTML File
This is a headding. The size is h1
This is a parargraph. Well, well, well. Does it line wrap? LEt's try and find out. We really need a much longer line.
This is a division. Well, well, well. Does it line wrap? LEt's try and find out. We really need a much longer line.
This is a new division. Well, well, well. Does it line wrap? LEt's try and find out. We really need a much longer line.
.... and now we have a new paragraph. I wonder what this will do. Maybe just start a new pararagrapn.
This is a headding. The size is h2
This is a parargraph. Well, well, well. Does it line wrap? Let's try and find out. We really need a much longer line.
This is a division. Well, well, well. Does it line wrap? Let's try and find out. We really need a much longer line.
This is a new division but an odd thind going on below (I wonder what). Well, well, well. Does it line wrap? Let's try and find out. We really need a much longer line.
This is a division within a division. Well it rerally makes no difference, so probably best to avoid to avoid confusion
And the same goes for a paragraph. This is a paragraph within a division. Well it rerally makes no difference, so probably best to avoid to avoid confusion
I wonder what happens here
.... and now we have a new paragraph. I wonder what this will do. Maybe just start a new pararagrapn.